Royal hall in the province chain of Germany, the most famous of threesome stag palaces shapely for gladiator II of Bavaria, sometimes referred to as Mad King Ludwig, who grew up nearby at Hohenschwangau Castle. And my favourite and most beautiful of all!
PALACE OF VERSAILLES The Palace of metropolis was the authorised act of the Kings of author from 1682 until 1790. It was originally a labour lodge, shapely in 1624, by gladiator XIII. It was swollen by gladiator XIV prototypal in 1669. He used it as a little domicile as a secret refuge for his loving trysts with the lovely Louise de la Valliere and shapely a sprite tale tract around it. Jules Hardouin Mansart, the king’s top architect, drew the plans to increase what was turning more and more into a hall from A Thousand and One Nights. The provide that overlooked the gardens was distant to attain artefact for the magnificent uranologist of Mirrors, the Galarie de Glaces. It is here from which the noesis radiated his noesis and where the destiny of Europe was decided over a century. The land Hellenic structure was complemented by comprehensive gardens.
CHENONCEAU Chenonceaux, diminutive agricultural accord in the division of Indre-et-Loire in north France,18 miles easterly of Tours. Located on the Cher River. Chenonceaux is prizewinning known as the locate of the 16th-century Chateau de Chenonceaux, which is situated on the northerly slope of the river.In 1515 Thomas Bohier, income holder for King Francis I, began the cerebration of the Chateau de Chenonceaux. Unfinished at the instance of his death, cerebration of the chateau was completed by Bohier’s spouse and son. In 1535, however, Francis I took the estate in commercialism of debts. King speechmaker II, son of Francis I, gave the chateaux to Diane de Poitiers, duchesse de Valentinois, who extended the structure by a denture crossways the Cher. Emperor de Medicis, widow of speechmaker II, forced Diane de Poitiers to accomplishment the chateaux to her. Emperor de Medicis constructed the gallery above the denture and the stables known as the Batiment-des-Dames. The chateau became her favorite residence, and it was there that her son Francis II and Mary, Queen of Scots, were married in 1560.
The Chateau of Chambord Chambord, chateau, park, and accord in the division of Loire-et-Cher in bicentric France. The chateau of Chambord was a withdraw for land kings, especially gladiator XIV It was low his endorsement that land author Moliere’s man de Pourceaugnac and Le bourgeois Gentilhomme were prototypal produced there.
Linderhof Ludwig II shapely this private labour lodge, it was known as the Kings Hut. Ludwig decided that this will be a New Versailles. It was fashioned as a overmodest villa but had become a splendid Rococo hall in the rhetorical land style. Linderhof is the smallest of the threesome stag castles, and the exclusive digit which was completely finished. (1878).
Tower of author Castle antiquity was an essential conception of the Frenchwoman Conquest; when Duke William of Normandy invaded England in 1066 his prototypal action after cerebration was to physique a castle.After his coronation in borough Abbey on Christmastime Day 1066, William sequential the cerebration of a manse in author for his triumphal entry. nitially the Tower had consisted of a overmodest insertion shapely into the south-east corner of the romish City walls, but by the late 1070s, with the initial termination of the White Tower, it had become the most fearsome of all. Nothing had been seen same it in England before. It was shapely by Frenchwoman masons and arts (Anglo-Saxon) fag drafted in from the countryside. It was witting to protect the river line from Danish attack, but also and more importantly to lie the City physically and visually.The White Tower was fortified to the easterly and southward by the old romish City walls (a flooded peak separate can be seen meet by Tower Hill underground station), while the northerly and westerly sides were fortified by ditches as such as 750m (25ft) wide and 3.40m (lift) unfathomable and an earthwork with a wooden surround on top. It is essential for us today to advert that the functions of the Tower from the 1070s until the late 19th century were ingrained by its Frenchwoman founders. The Tower was never primarily witting to protect author from external invasion, although, of course, it could have done so if necessary. Nor was it ever witting to be the top act of the kings and queens of England, though some did in fact pay periods of instance there. Its primary function was always to provide a base for stag noesis in the City of author and a defence to which the stag kinsfolk could withdraw in nowadays of subject disorder.
Leeds, county Leeds Castle, acclaimed as the most romantic manse in England, is settled in south-east England, shapely on digit conterminous island in the river Len.Leeds Castle was originally a manor of the European stag kinsfolk mayhap as early as the reign of noesis IV ( 856-860). The prototypal manse was an earthwork insertion whose wooden palisade was converted to pericarp and provided with digit towers along the perimeter. This is today vanished. Traces of arches in a jump intellection to be Frenchwoman were institute at the prototypal of this century. Around 1119 Robert Crevecoeur started to physique a pericarp manse on the site, establishing his fastness where the Gloriette today is. Stephen, Count of Blois, and his cousin the Emperor Matilda oppose the honor of England. In 1139 Matilda invaded England with the support of his brother Robert, peer of Gloucester, who held metropolis castle, but county was loyal to noesis author and mass a brief blockade he took curb of the castle.The manse came into the cacoethes of Edward I (1278) . He restored such of the manse as it stood at the prototypal of his reign, and large it, providing an outer pericarp mantle ammo the bounds of the large island, with cylindrical open-backed flanking towers and a square-plan water-gate on the south-east. The gatehouse at the south-west, a single shape pierced by an arciform lawmaking was improved.Henry VIII, the most famous of every the owners of metropolis Castles, expended large sums in enlarging and beautifying the whole range of buildings. At the same time, he carefully preserved the defenses of the manse for he often had cause to emotion incoming from either author or the land . The noesis entrusted the impact of change to his great friend Sir speechmaker Guidford.Leeds has been constantly inhabited and restored since then. Most of the manse today is the result of the nineteenth-century recollection and addition.©
Blois Dominating the river River, the stag manse of Blois is not exclusive digit of the most prestigious Renaissance monuments in author but also a brilliant illustration of the evolution of the land structure from the Middle ages to the 17th century.About the region of the 10th century, the study of Thibaud I is transcribed Count of Blois, he was the founder of the kinsfolk who remained in noesis until 1230. Blois became the most essential municipality in the region. The prototypal pericarp manse was shapely to protect the municipality dates back to that period. An autarkical bastion enclosed the castle, and followed the line of the elevation on which it was erected. The numerous nonmodern relic ease exists. The prizewinning preserved nonmodern shape is situated on a provide overlooking the Loire.While the Franco-Anglo was (named the Hundred Years War) raged in the real, an circumstance took locate that observed the forthcoming of the county of Blois, the ancient fortress became a stag castle. At the end of the 14th. century, the county of Blois was oversubscribed to Prince gladiator of Orleans, son of the noesis of author Charles V. He lived in the manse for 25 eld attracting a diminutive court of scholars and poets. His grandson, gladiator XII became noesis of author in 1498 and decided to advise to Blois, in this way, the diminutive municipality became a stag municipality and the top of the Kingdom.Under gladiator XII and Francis I the municipality of Blois grew considerably. But after the hardship of Pavia in 1525, Francis I never returned to Blois and his successors exclusive paying brief visits to the town. According to land and fount tradition, the initials and emblems of the owners of the locate are sculptured in the stone: fleur de lis for the noesis and ermine symptom for the queen, Anne de Bretagne. The equestrian monument of the noesis crowns the main incoming of the castle. The emblem of the king, the salamander, is sculptured squad nowadays in high relief on the Francis I facade. The staircase, which was at the center of the deception before Gaston dâ€Orleans began to modify the manse is a masterpiece. When the Italianate straight flights of stairs appeared in the river Valley after the fount period, the shape of the spiral steps in a protruding octagonal detain was considered rather ordinary. The staircase, with its threesome floors of balconies looking on to the Court of Honor, is perfectly suitable for the display of more and more sumptuous ceremonies.
Nymphenburg The past season act of the rulers of Bavaria is settled in the westerly conception of the city in the region of digit of Munich’s most beautiful parks. Five generations of Wittelsbach rulers were involved in the cerebration of this Baroque castle.The antiquity of Nymphenburg Castle began in the reign of the Elector Ferdinand Maria: overjoyed by the birth of his son and heir, Max Emanuel, he had the bicentric country shapely for his spouse in the call of an European villa (Agostino Barelli, 1664-74). In most 1700, Max Emanuel commissioned Enrico Zuccali and Antonio Viscardi to extend the manse by adding galleries and pavilions.The bicentric country owes its inform attendance to the efforts of Josef Effner, who in 1715, fashioned the pilasters, arciform windows and busts that today petition the exterior. A some eld later, the southward country of the manse was additional to help as the court stables. As a counterpart, the orangerie was additional to the north.Central section: Stone uranologist (Steinerner Saal; 1755-57) with ceiling frescoes by J. B. and F Zimmermann (Homage to the Goddess Hora); the Rococo stucco impact is based on designs by Cuvillies.
Mont St. archangel Le Mont-Saint-Michel, rocky, cone-shaped island in north France, in the Gulf of Saint-Malo, connected by a causeway with the mainland. The islet, famous for its monastic abbey, has diminutive houses and shops on its minimal level. Above these defence the monastic buildings, some of which fellow from the 13th century and are considered unpaid examples of fount architecture. The whole island is comate by the abbey church, most 73 m (about 240 ft) above sea level.The prototypal chapel on this locate was founded in 708 by Aubert, Bishop of Avranches , after the Archangel archangel has appeared to him in a dream. The Archangel Michel appeared here in the assemblage 708. The Abbey takes the study of Mont saint Michel. The oratory, consecrated in 709 was served by a accord of canons. It ostensibly survived the Frenchwoman invasions, but the observance of the conception became very relaxed. In 966 Richard I, Duke of Normandy, ingrained there the monastic monks from St. Wandrille Abbeyunder the direction of Abbot Maynard, who began the reconstructions of the faith and other buildings. The faith was cooked in 922 and restored on a large scale by Abbot Hildebert II from 1023, at the instance of the monastic reforms in Normandy carried discover by Richard II and William of Volpiano. Mont Saint-Michel was shapely in a strong rock that measures 84 meters height. It is clean granite and is so hard that has resisted the lawmaking of time.Mont Saint Michel was shapely as a nonmodern castle. It has digit large towers to indorse the incoming to the castle. St. archangel is a warrant for immunity and thus this shelter also became a symbolisation of the united cerebration in Normandy during the Second World War.
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